Graphic LA - pgs 5-37, 58-82, 92


             Symbol Making

Making a scene readable means reducing it to simple shapes and specifically, simple values. 

Image result for simple shapes and values
A composition can be readable with simple values and shapes. 

Turn your attention to creating an easily understandable composition before adding the challenge of color. If the lighting is correct, the color can be placed underneath or on top and adjusted to match the lighting.

"Getting the intial tones and colors is crucial to setting the 'illusion' of reality. It is those tonal/color relations that define the 'realism.'" Robh Ruppel

Image result for simple shapes and values
Maggie McClellan
Simple shapes and values add to clarity in a composition.

When creating a composition, feel free to design the space rather than simply copying what is in front of you. Place shapes and values to make it feel and look realistic. Color must represent reality if it is to feel realistic - once you place in the correct colors, it will feel realistic.

Tumblr---Love the simple shapes and great colors
Nick Bear
Color can relate to lighting once the light has been placed down.

Look for what the composition is about. Design the composition around that specific purpose. 

ArtStation - Composition Sketches, Sung Choi
Composition Sketches
Sung Choi
Focusing in on what is important, and emphasizing that using value and distinctive shapes.
Sung Choi
Simple shapes and progression in tone creates a clear composition.

The relationship between your shapes is more important than the shapes themselves. You may need to alter the value or size of shapes in order to convey what you want. Look for reasons/opportunities to display depth in your composition so it doesn't become flat.

ArtStation - Composition Sketches, Sung Choi
Composition Sketches
Sung Choi
Simple shapes that relate clearly to one another. 

"Good value design is the clear simple arrangement of a few tones. A simple progression of tone." Robh Ruppel

Art of Christopher Lee
Christopher Lee

David Kassan - He really look into people's soul, I love his work soooooo much
David Kassan
Progression of Tone


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